On Monday, January 9, 2012, Stanford Law School launched its latest initiative in the area of international law, the website of the China Guiding Cases Project (CGCP).
The website will post “guiding cases”, a recent development in Chinese law, as released by China’s Supreme People’s Court. The CGCP team translates these released opinions into English and posts them on the above mentioned website.
As of today the following cases are posted:
Shanghai Centaline Property Consultants Limited v. TAO Dehua, An Intermediation Contract Dispute | 指导性案例1: 上海中原物业顾问有限公司诉陶德华居间合同纠纷案
WU Mei v. Meishan Xicheng Paper Co., Ltd. of Sichuan Province, A Sale and Purchase Contract Dispute | 指导性案例2: 吴梅诉四川省眉山西城纸业有限公司买卖合同纠纷案
PAN Yumei and CHEN Ning, A Bribe-Accepting Case | 指导性案例3: 潘玉梅、陈宁受贿案
WANG Zhicai, An Intentional Homicide Case | 指导性案例4: 王志才故意杀人案
Legal experts from around the world are invited to submit commentaries discussing the legal and other implications of these cases. Commentaries are posted in Chinese and in English, and are available in translation. Readers of the website may post their thoughts about the cases and commentaries in Chinese and English. “Question and Answer” sessions on the site permit readers and commentators to have more in-depth dialogues, again in Chinese and English. The website also includes a search function enabling practitioners and researchers to look for specific “guiding cases.”
For those interested in an overview on the Chinese Legal System take a look at the free offering on Law Info China.
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